general in Angry Birds

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First of all...

HAPPY SPAWN DAY to whoever has a spawn day today!

and second of all...

I have finally made a YouTube video on my YouTube channel! Please go watch it.

(btw don't ask why there's a image of Bluey up here.)

Ultimate Bite Night, but I recharted it in Psych Engine.
Hello there! This is my first ever video on YouTube.I'm sorry for the video looking really bad... (and I'm sorry for that stupid *watermark?* on the screen.....

Made a discord server for Reddy and Friends Diner incase anyone wants to join it

Reddy and Friends Diner Chapter 1 V1.2: Bugfixes

- Fixed ambience that plays randomly during nights playing in the Game Over screen

- Fixed camera button and others still showing when getting jumpscared

Hello and afternoon to all of me fellow fans of the Angry Birds Series!!!! How's it going so far today?!??!?!!!!

I was bored so I guess ill do this
First-third victors for 5/10 mode on RAFD Chapter 1 will recieve a free background or avatar frame if you dont have one already
Im doing this since I have alot of coins and also I wanna give stuff away so yeah

Reddy and Friends Diner Chapter 1 V1.1: A addition, changes, and bugfixes

- Added door opening and closing sounds for whenever Bomb or Stella show up or leave the window
- The camera and panel now uses power (I thought that it would make the

Fixed a small bug where Night 2 didnt unlock when you completed Night 1
Idk if anyone played this yet and found that bug but I just noticed it after testing it one more time

Reddy and Friends Diner Chapter 1 is released!

This is probably the first game which uses a saving system instead of my other games which used password systems and has a custom night

Also there shouldn't be any more bugs except for the


Red Snapchat filter again #irl #angrybirds

Added a header and gameplay screenshots to the gamepage
Also the game is fully completed, I might release it tommorow because I didn't have enough time to release it today so yeah
Also instead of it being a HTML i might end up adding a EXE and a HTML